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Monday, July 22, 2013


Our melons are coming along nicely. Yesterday we found the Russian Banana potatoes that were taken over by weeds from the rain! We got maybe 1/4 of a bushel that we will use as seed stock hopefully!! Looking into other heirloom organic potatoes. Peas are thriving and tomatoes are limping! Happy farming!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

We have had soooo much rain here in SC! Our garden is diluted . We can't put fish emulsion out to nourish our plants. Our tomatoes are bursting and only last a few days. It's not been seasonally hot here in the midlands. Okra is dragging along while weeds are as tall as us..... Lol. Tractor and vehicles continue to get stuck in the med. took 2 tractors to get the last one unstuck. We are proud to note that our animals are well despite the muck!! Thinking of letting goats graze in pig pasture today. I think they could clean it up a bit. Fruit trees have do our tomato and squash plants. It's just too much of a good thing. Whoooo-d a thunk it???? We've been in a drought for a couple of years. We have been able to sell some stuff, but have lost more than we sold. Thankful for our dedicated egg customers!!!